
Monday, January 17, 2011

Another quickie, sans photos

Well, I'll be headed back up to Maine today from CT, where we had a bridal shower for my sister. Hence all the baking. Unfortunately, I came down with a stomach flu on the ride down, and couldn't finish preparations on the food OR eat any of it! I did rally yesterday and actually made it to the shower, which was a great time. Photos are hopefully forthcoming. Got into bed as soon as we got home. I found "Coal Miner's Daughter" on the TV Guide channel, which I hadn't seen before. Ah, if only you could just drive around visiting radio stations you've sent your album to and see if they're actually playing it. Just show up at the Grand Old Opry and get invited up on stage. Things seem a bit more complicated these days.

On Friday I went to see "Blood Wedding" at SPACE Gallery, which was directed by the lovely Tess Van Horn. My friend and band mate Aren Sprinkle was the music director, and she composed a gorgeous original score. Many good friends we play music with helped write the music and performed in the pit ensemble, and they sounded wonderful. Everything about the play was great. The musicians made a recording of the score, and as of yesterday there were still a few CDs left. The recording is also available as a digital download and here's the link:

Since I've been sick, there hasn't been much knitting going on. I'd do a row, fall asleep, do another half a row, fall asleep, etc. Too bad because I have two projects in the works for this weekend's trade show AND I still have just the cuff of the February Lady sleeve left to do before it's ready to be finished and blocked. Bad time to be ill. Perhaps it's a sign that I put too much on my plate this weekend...

Anyway, hope to have some knitting photos tomorrow.

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